by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Nov 1, 2017 | Community, Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Education, Freedom, Geodesic Domes, Sustainability, The Future
The polarization of the people has become poignant. Many look forward to 2020 so they can elect a new leader. Many are warily aware that the division, entrenched lobbyist, and trillions in debt will not simply dissipate. Yet there seems to be no better alternative. We see things differently. The future we foresee has nothing to do with a savior leader or government plan to get the economy straight. Our 2020 vision is based on a mass realization of simple truths, and a rejection of normalized lies. This is not truth in a philosophical sense, but one of living together in tribes – free of the trappings that separate us. The more you add to the truth the more you take from it. This means no more excusing every problem as complicated – a positive approach that does not use the blueprints of our current system. By creating instead of conceding, there is a hopeful and focused vision for new communities built from those willing to walk away from the matrix. Our latest portable and self sustaining dome home is ready to be a part of this future.
We offer our design as an open source project to help with some of our most pressing problems. We envision new towns of self sustainable and inexpensive geodesic dome homes that support a better way of living – one that offers an uncomplicated path to the basic needs of a home, food, energy, and community. The lack of true cohesive care and mentorship has led to an epidemic in addiction, violence, racism and depression. How many mass shootings and teen suicides are needed before we accept the blaring reality we are walking. It is clearly understood that addiction like most human unrest, is caused by a lack of human connection. It is time for a system that fosters human needs instead of profiting from them.
Living with true community and communication is idealistic mumble jumble since humans are hardwired for self interest above all. Although this is the knee jerk response we are taught as our history; there is another way that does not have to be taught – since it comes naturally. It reveals itself instantly whenever we see another in need or in pain. The conditioned compartmentalization of our minds melts and humans will instinctually help each other. The response to this year’s storms is a good case in point. Our human connection can never be completely muffled by the rigid grid matrix that has been structured over the last few thousand years. Futuristic and apocalyptic science fiction films very often reflect this premise. The super powerful and scary empire is always fumbled by hope and heart. The stories we tell show the hidden truths we all understand.
We are taught to live defensively, as if it were the normal state. Constant conflict and competition create an anxious population living the Stockholm Syndrome. Thousands of years of history have proven this a very effective way to control the masses and keep power. We are convinced or mandated to accept that it is our civic duty to support organizations and institutions of every type. They are there to protect us. But so many now understand who these institutions truly serve. We reject a world based on lies and fate born of fear. We opt to take responsibility by creating a different world daily.
We lean on an understanding of the universe’s paradigm and the significance and power of our words and feelings. Our dreams are not simply the domain of Disneyland. They are in our thought, speech, and emotional energy. You do not need an organization, politician or any middleman to send out your heart’s intent. Many stories of old are imprinted in our synapses to blind us from the beauty before us. They often strip our potent power to create reality. No more real news or fake news – only the news we create daily. Consciousness and our heart’s magnetism are the only answer to realize our power. Once we understand we are the authors, the big money media machines can no longer dictate the scripts that control our lives. The time has come to reject the paper chains of an enslaving system.
Both left and right believe they are the smart ones with all the answers. Both are programmed with words and numbers to define themselves as separate and in constant comparison and competition with the other. All the while the bickering goes on, the present is lost and the future is usurped. Ancestral, family and community ties are steadily becoming obsolete. Our humanity is grounded in solidarity, but is currently largely dormant under the suppression of separation. However, the clear instinctual awareness that we are one source can cut through our clouded hearts like a laser.
Instead of Art of War being on the reading list, how about the Art of Peace instead. We spend $700 million a day on bombs and warfare. Imagine if those hard earned resources went toward the future of our children. This is not complicated. It is time for attention focused on reality rather than the script that gives air to a world at war. No one wants to stop the gravy train and become an outcast by accepting this hard fact. It is time to end the incessant conversation about the sport of politics and the characters that create the dreadful storyline of the powerful and the sheeple they control. We are all powerful. No amount of big guns, bank accounts, or legislation can replace our true power to create. We all hold the universe in our mind’s eye. Everyone for president in 2020. Soul up.
The real magic of our feelings has been deadened or desperately diminished to serve the purpose of the few in power. The logic of life is replaced by a nonsensical economy based on continuous growth on a finite planet. Peace, purpose, and prosperity will spread exponentially like the nodes of a sprouting plant once we abandon the fiction we are collectively living. Most of our energy props up and supports the current state. Tomorrow’s generation can only be taught anew by witnessing a different reality than money and power over all else. Community driven and family focused activity are crucial. Respect for big banks and leaders must be replaced by respect for one’s ancestors, elders and innate wisdom. Basic sustenance cannot be held as a short leash to one’s awareness of their true talents and contribution to the whole.
With the height of ignorance and arrogance before us – the tides will change. Once we stop repeating the lies, we can get back to the basics and beauty of real life – untainted and demented by words of separation and scarcity boxed in a model of racism, sexism, and capitalism. There is nothing honorable or respectable about accolades from the current establishment. The future has no labels and no leaders … “down with the isms and schisms.”
This is the final blog regarding our intentions. What follows will be actions and documentation of the implementation. Our 2020 vision is about the beginning of an awakening and eye opening such that we may all see more clearly. What is happening now does not reflect reality, but a programmed ideology which enriches and empowers the few while fleecing the fooled. Prisons for profit says that the system is perfect. It is the people who are bad. The problem is bad behavior or simply psychological – which can be fixed with punishment, therapy, or drugs. We reject this notion. In the near future we will begin to see the current discourse as barbarically absurd. A complete lack of realization of the light and life thriving amongst us. We are at the brink of a change in technology and human perspective. “The present is pregnant with the future” – Voltaire. The water has just broken.
Some may say that If all this is true, then we would have a better world already. However, the true human heart is currently buried under a lifetime of living on poison pills of the media we absorb. We unwittingly live with constant anxiety that fuels the power of our masters. This is easily done when the basics for survival must be obtained by conforming to a failing system. There seems to be no choice. This is where our dome home project comes in. We do not believe in fighting the system, but creating a new one instead.
This assessment may be dismissed by some, especially those who benefit from the current state of affairs. However, we believe that there are many that will readily walk away from the matrix that enslaves them, and begin a new kind of living. There are still areas where new communities and townships can be formed. Most land is tied up in red tape and mandatory hooks into the polluting for profit system. These were artificially brought into control by those claiming to protect us. “What has been written by man can be unwritten.” If you still believe in these systems, then we will not try to convince you. If you see the real world for what it is and desire to put your love and energy into something new – we welcome you to join in the creation of a new way.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Oct 7, 2016 | Community, Education, Sustainability, The Future
Human beings share a common trait with community centered animals like the dolphins, elephants, wolves, lions, monkeys and others. Many studies have shown how small numbers can influence large populations. Some question the Hundredth Monkey Effect, but other studies and simple observation show us the influence a small group can have on the whole of society. Many know this from the science of quantum entanglement or from original intuition. Many find it uncomfortable to accept that they indeed have an influence and thus a responsibility. It is much easier to blame someone or something else for the state of the planet and population. Trump or Hillary?
Dolphins are considered to be the longest living intelligent creatures on Earth, having reigned for approximately 35 million years before humans beings entered the scene. Many believe they are far more intelligent than humans, pointing to an extra portion of their brain that is enlarged. It seems from many studies that although each dolphin is very much an individual with it’s unique personality, they ultimately do not differentiate themselves from their group pod. This is how they are so easily rounded up into a cove and slaughtered. They can very easily jump over the barriers and escape death, but a dolphin understands well the power of “one for all and all for one.”
Some may say that this is weakness, which is why they are so easily killed. Surely humans are gods on earth who rule above and apart from all other creatures. Our strength comes from individual power, brute force, and our competitive nature. Anyone who doesn’t believe this will get plowed over by the reality of the world. This default perception of reality is part of an obsolete script that has a horrific track record. The majority of what we learn from our history class is the war, racism, and chaos of past times. We are taught that our laws, civilization, and money are our only saviors from our violent natural instincts. It’s a dog eat dog world.
This way of educating the future generation does not account for the thousand of years before we became sheep. How about the peoples of past who survived thousands of years without destroying each other or earth’s natural systems. Our darkest human atrocities took root with the introduction of what we call civilization. Where has this understanding led us? With the continuous and growing poisoning of the world and subjugation of humans, it seems like an overstanding is now needed instead of understanding.
To change our future we must take a wider angle and go beyond the layline to work from a place of complete intuitive comprehension of our relationship to each other. Overstanding means coming from a place that is above the ideologies most now consider to be the real world. This old understanding has all but made our planet a wasteland – physically and spiritually. We don’t suggest going back to grass huts and running around naked. But we have the technology and the ability to communicate and create like never before. Instead of allowing and accepting being enslaved and poisoned, we could collectively decide to form our own future. You just might be the hundredth monkey.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Mar 19, 2016 | Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Freedom, Sustainability, The Future
The way we get energy will change the course of the future. From solar cells to magnetic wave energy – the future looks brighter. Although the technology exists to build a better home, new dwellings continue to be built essentially the same way as they have been for over a century. This is great news for the industries that arose to prominence during the industrial revolution. The gas, oil, coal, construction, and banking industries are all about business as usual. However, there are now many more options available that we will explore and implement in the coming months.
Our first phase of the new dome home design will be to outfit all domes with airtight insulated triangle panels that do not let air in or out. Proper insulation and air control allow for homes to maintain a constant temperature without the need for cooling and heating of the interior air. Homes all over the world have demonstrated that there are various techniques to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat. How can you heat and cool a home without a furnace or air conditioning unit? The answer is controlled air exchange.
Controlled air exchange has been accomplished and proven to work by never allowing air to come directly into or out of the home. This is accomplished by designing an air tight structure accompanied by a series of tubes that allow and release air slowly, while mixing the air that comes in with air that comes out. Calculating the proper timing and tube arrangement is where the science comes in. Luckily we have several mad scientists that have volunteered to help. We are currently working on a nice looking spiral design that will fit nicely atop the dome interior.
We will be using solar energy to power self sufficient arduino micro controllers, which in turn will be monitored through a Raspberry Pi mini computer – not much bigger than a deck of playing cards. A series of sensors, small fans and servo motors will monitor and control the flow of air as needed. Depending on the temperature needs, the air will flow faster or slower and be cooled or heated slightly as it passes through the tubes. This cooling and heating only needs to be applied to a very small amount of air within the tubes. In this way, tiny fans and micro heating elements are all that are needed. The exact diameter of the tubes will vary by dome diameter. Like all of our open source projects, the final design will be posted online for all to use.
We are called Future of the Free because we envision something different for the next generation. We are determined to end the cycle of paper chains by devising new and innovative ways to live without being gross consumers, but instead citizens that are keenly aware of their influence on the big picture. The solutions are before us and are quite simple and logical. The hardest part seems to be separating from the grid that we are all so comfortable supporting. Stay tuned to see the future unfold.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Feb 25, 2016 | Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Education, Geodesic Domes, Sustainability, The Future
As we prepare to build our first proof of concept dome homes, the differences of a square and round building become very significant. Nearly every part of the box structure is attached to entrenched interests, regulations, monthly bills, and draining maintenance and repair schedules. The characteristics of the square design mirror the mechanism of the grid which they are part. The dome home is specifically designed to be liberating at every step – from building and maintenance to daily freedom to live. The significance of building a round dome structure goes much deeper than superiority of strength, utility, and sustainability. A dome design contrasts sharply with the underpinnings of control that are cemented within the very foundations of the grid box society and structures we currently contain ourselves within.
The open source geodesic dome home is designed to overcome the hooks and anchors inherent in a the grid system. You have the typical 30 year enslavement to the lending banks and insurance companies of every sort, utility bills, and then many more bills. Your childhood centers on education so you believe, then education loans so you have to believe. Look forward to rising healthcare costs that will profitably pretend to fix you once the cycle of fear, anxiety, and poisoned food leave you a shell of a human. Also, this box home is forever in need of maintenance for it’s outdated power, plumbing, drainage, electrical and temperature control systems. Beware of this stilted structure prone to collapse in times of earthquake or severe weather. Dealing with all this will make you feel like you are trapped in a box.
Based on nature’s structural engineering, a dome’s members all support each other, and thus architects confirm it is the strongest structure known to man. The dome home can be portable or permanent and easily built by anyone from materials found everywhere. By design, repair is easy and replacement parts readily available and inexpensive. The triangle panels are magnetic and easily rearranged, removed or replaced. The same is true of the portable solar system, plumbing system, and the closed loop water capture and compost systems. No heavy equipment or tools are needed to build, repair or maintain the dome. Add food production with gardens and aquaponic bio domes for complete health and freedom.
By looking beyond the grid, seemingly insurmountable obstacles can easily be overcome with just a bit of effort focused on our families and future. The biggest obstacle is our pre programmed perspective that has us continuously distracted and tangled in tradition, red tape and regulation. Square structures have not caught up to the newest technology and methods of using energy, water and food – without creating waste. Geodesic domes are far superior in strength, sensibility, and sustainability. The circular environment is conducive to free air and energy flow. The significance of access to these unseen energy waves are largely ignored now, but are becoming realized as new instruments of measurement become known. The box structure blocks access to naturally occurring energy waves and information that is all around us.
We believe a new type of freedom is emerging that is based on self dependence and the ability to truly control our destiny. It really is not complicated or time consuming to build a beautiful home and provide food and security for one’s family. A free society inside a box system is a fantasy. The state of the world’s affairs and the health of earth’s real systems shows how well this square civilization has worked out. A new type of progress is at hand – one that centers on the daily growth of our connection and commitment to a strong round community where all members support each other.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Jan 3, 2016 | Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Education, Sustainability, The Future
Our dome building ventures go much deeper than it’s obvious usefulness as a portable, self sustaining dwelling. We understand that the structure of our world itself is rooted in the everyday actions and beliefs of the population. Most are “educated” to believe that we are simply another animal with instincts and genetic predispositions linked to survival, competition, and limited by the material environment. This is the traditional perspective, and certainly fits nicely with the program the majority of the world runs on. However, a close look at ancient writings and “new” scientific knowledge points to the difference between the animal and the human. There is a grand difference between what our language and communication is capable of – when compared to other living creatures.
Noam Chomsky, often called the father of linguistics, studied how mostly all animal communication is in response and linked to some external condition in the environment. Does this mean animals don’t think or have feelings? Hardly, and if you ever met an animal you likely know. Animals have always been intricately linked to human life and likely use sounds in ways that do effect humans. Consider the songs of birds. This is an interesting area of study for the future. We currently have lots of research on human language. Chomsky notes that the language of humans is 99% internal and never reaches the tongue. So what happens to all the rest of the language that goes on internally. What is it? What does it mean? What are its affects and effects? Interestingly, new studies show that our DNA is always changing in response to language – and is often called the book of life.
Many answers are now emerging from brain scans, magnetic image resonance, and experiments in quantum physics. The results and findings being revealed from this body of evidence turns out to be quite ancient. What we think, believe and most importantly feel, determine consequences – and are fundamental to the creation of our physical reality. The power of our language is not simply to communicate external conditions and warnings, but rather a mechanism of thought and feeling utterly unique. We are unlike any other animal. Our feelings and thoughts communicated through internal conversation, affects what we call reality. This ultimately ends up causing what we currently consider scientifically measurable effects. The affect portion, seems to be the beginning of cause, but is all largely ignored in modern scientific inquiry. Only the physical effects and observations are typically considered relevant. This leads many to now consider the Scientific Method to be increasingly obsolete and indeed unscientific.
What you know undeniably – and what you believe based on tradition and culture are often altogether different. Finding out why, and pulling them apart is what we hope the future brings. Our world population now believes in a boxed world based on the physical proof we ourselves have built. We often ignore what we know to be true since it is framed as unrealistic or idealistic. What if we forget about making pre programmed excuses for our world’s growing problems? What if we began to realize we create with our every thought and feeling. What if we gradually started to act on what we know to be unequivocally true. The world is round and cannot bear a linear system of power and control, defined by manipulated politics, materialistic walls, and a fictitious economy. What if the goal were to change? We aim to act on what we know to be true. This is why we build domes. We believe that how we live today will determine the reality of tomorrow.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Sep 2, 2015 | Freedom, Sustainability, The Future
Many folks ask if our self sustainable dome project is to prepare for coming doom and gloom. There is a growing fear of what many call a societal breakdown which necessitates armed protection. Online and all around social media there is evidence of a growing interest in owning and learning to use firearms. Many call this a necessary evil, and proclaim we should get armed, be realistic – and quit living in La La Land. We believe the term ‘necessary evil’ is a pervasive oxymoron that in due time will no longer be an acceptable excuse for perpetuating violence. In the spirit of sustainability we choose peace as our protection rather than arms. Here is why.
Everyone remembers learning of the forming of the Union from the original 13 colonies. We memorized the names of generals and dates of the bloody clashes with the natives. Most believe that there was no way to live in peace on the same land. We rarely hear about the peace in Pennsylvania where the non violent Quakers had no incidents of murder or rape living amongst the natives. It was not until the Union formed and the military established itself in Pennsylvania that killings began. Some Quakers then died – but only three that had joined the newly established army.
Similar to the Middle East story… the “powers that be” made sure their financial interests were protected through puppet politicians and armed proxy governments and guerrillas in the last half of the twentieth century. Thus Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras all had civil wars followed by decades of violence and social unrest. This subsequently led to generations of lost boys who now form the deadliest gangs in these countries where more than a dozen murders occur daily in the cities. On August 16-18, 2015 there were 125 murders in just 3 days in El Salvador. This has led to an estimated 66,000 kids fleeing for their life in the last 2 years.
Neighboring Costa Rica also had a civil war, but then officially abolished its military in 1948. What followed was peace ever since and the emergence of a safe haven in Central America. This goodwill seems to have grown as Costa Rica recently decided to close public zoos in the spirit of honoring an animal’s right to freedom. They have adopted a no cage policy for animals in a time where humans are being caged at unprecedented rates around the world – ironically mostly in America – the land of the free.
On the road to Indian independence many of Gandhi’s followers were met with armed forces bent on stopping their quest. When peace was persistent the armed forces were stopped in shame – some even fled scared. Martin Luther King and many others showed similar success. For a time John Lennon was considered an enemy of the United States. Peace proclaimers are considered dangerous and are commonly killed by bullets – but they are hardly silenced. This is why our project has nothing to do with acting from fear. Rather, we are preparing for a future that is sustainable. Building and living in humane communities in peace is the only sustainable path. We choose to live in La La land. Light easily illuminates and cuts through darkness, yet no amount of darkness can ever dim the light.