Feed a family, a tribe, or the world …
Version 1.1.1 Changelog
- Initial release after two grow cycles of testing
- Solar and gravity powered aquaponics
- Modular and Portable design
- Easy duplication and substitution design
- Kickstarter crowd funding introduction
We are very thankful for all the information and videos shared online by folks all over the world. We truly owe the birth, development, and completion of this project to the open source community. The power of sharing and cooperating is just beginning to be realized.
Intelligent Aquaponic Design
- Water flows in natural curves to retain water structure.
- Fish provide a constant source of good nutrition. You can use any fish that do well in your climate.
- Grow nearly any fruit or vegetable with easily controlled ventilation and temperature.
We invite you to join us in building a better future.
An open source project for humans.
Our goal is not to sell lots of dome kits. We want everyone everywhere to build our future. We encourage anyone to duplicate our system using our parts or make modifications and inspire design changes. We intentionally made the design easy to build and modify with substitute parts. Share your creation and design ideas with our community!
Cooperation instead of competition and people before profits.
Anyone can build a Food Machine!
Get started in building a better future in your neighborhood.
Whether you build it yourself, buy our kit, or just buy some of the parts you need – we are here to help. We invite the community to improve the design, add function or build accessories to make the Food Machine ever better.
The Food Machine is built on an aquaponic design that anyone can duplicate.
These were the design criteria.
- Use parts that are most common throughout the world
- Use parts that could be easily substituted with functionally similar materials available locally.
- Use parts that are free and/or cheap
[wptabs type=”accordion” effect=”fade” mode=”horizontal”][wptabtitle] Changelog[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent] 1.1.0
- Added overflow system
- Temperature controlled dome fan system accessory
- Drip system pump option
- Shower drain outflow added
- Industrial folding grow bed table
[/wptabcontent][wptabtitle]Documentation[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]We are currently compiling videos and preparing user instructions and documentation. Pledge your support on Kickstarter.com to get the first release by April, 2014. Future of the Free by Aaron Rene Carvajal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at futureofthefree.com [/wptabcontent][/wptabs]