An Unscientific Method: Why We Build Domes

An Unscientific Method: Why We Build Domes

Our dome building ventures go much deeper than it’s obvious usefulness as a portable, self sustaining dwelling. We understand that the structure of our world itself is rooted in the everyday actions and beliefs of the population. Most are “educated” to believe that we are simply another animal with instincts and genetic predispositions linked to survival, competition, and limited by the material environment. This is the traditional perspective, and certainly fits nicely with the program the majority of the world runs on. However, a close look at ancient writings and “new” scientific knowledge points to the difference between the animal and the human. There is a grand difference between what our language and communication is capable of – when compared to other living creatures.

Noam Chomsky, often called the father of linguistics, studied how mostly all animal communication is in response and linked to some external condition in the environment. Does this mean animals don’t think or have feelings? Hardly, and if you ever met an animal you likely know. Animals have always been intricately linked to human life and likely use sounds in ways that do effect humans. Consider the songs of birds. This is an interesting area of study for the future. We currently have lots of research on human language. Chomsky notes that the language of humans is 99% internal and never reaches the tongue. So what happens to all the rest of the language that goes on internally. What is it? What does it mean? What are its affects and effects? Interestingly, new studies show that our DNA is always changing in response to language – and is often called the book of life.

Many answers are now emerging from brain scans, magnetic image resonance, and experiments in quantum physics. The results and findings being revealed from this body of evidence turns out to be quite ancient. What we think, believe and most importantly feel, determine consequences – and are fundamental to the creation of our physical reality. The power of our language is not simply to communicate external conditions and warnings, but rather a mechanism of thought and feeling utterly unique. We are unlike any other animal. Our feelings and thoughts communicated through internal conversation, affects what we call reality. This ultimately ends up causing what we currently consider scientifically measurable effects. The affect portion, seems to be the beginning of cause, but is all largely ignored in modern scientific inquiry. Only the physical effects and observations are typically considered relevant. This leads many to now consider the Scientific Method to be increasingly obsolete and indeed unscientific.

What you know undeniably – and what you believe based on tradition and culture are often altogether different. Finding out why, and pulling them apart is what we hope the future brings. Our world population now believes in a boxed world based on the physical proof we ourselves have built. We often ignore what we know to be true since it is framed as unrealistic or idealistic. What if we forget about making pre programmed excuses for our world’s growing problems? What if we began to realize we create with our every thought and feeling. What if we gradually started to act on what we know to be unequivocally true. The world is round and cannot bear a linear system of power and control, defined by manipulated politics, materialistic walls, and a fictitious economy. What if the goal were to change? We aim to act on what we know to be true. This is why we build domes. We believe that how we live today will determine the reality of tomorrow.

Descendants of the Dollar

The other night while eating Chinese food, my young son pulled out a fortune that read, “Time is Money.” Of course the question followed, “What does that mean?” It occurred to me at this moment that my response would help form a young mind’s world view. Is it even possible to explain our activities and goals outside the concept of money? The entire world respects and accepts the almighty dollar as the end all. After all we cannot survive without money right?  Most of our daily lives are devoted to the dollar. Is this the point where I break the news to a young soul, that his life is ultimately dependant on a currency. Is this our inheritance, legacy, and our destiny?

Money creates an environment that fosters hard work, responsibility, and the opportunity to do and be whatever you dream. Our democracy is a meritocracy where anyone can succeed. If this is the case, then we merely need to teach our young to thrive in the world we live in. If not, then we have a greater responsibility. Either way the question remains, “What will we leave the next generation?” As of the writing of this article the national U.S. debt is $18,609,854,385,435.22 and raising with every second. Does this mean the next generation will be descendants of debt? Who do we owe so much to – and why? Most work all day everyday, yet the debt.

This is not a about bartering, currency, or trade. These are human activities that allow us to work and interact together. It is an issue of the means muffling out the end. We are nearing a point of almost total dependence on the dollar instead of each other. In times past we handed down intimate knowledge about the land we live on, work skills, and a place in the community. Most importantly we passed on invaluable knowledge – an understanding of how to live with each other through strong lifelong relationships. Today it is legal to abandon all responsibility once a child reaches the age of eighteen. Lasting relationships have been reduced to a shell of what they once were as the pursuit for paper money has consumed our focus and the earth with it.  Yet, we are taught that our current state is a result of a progression from bad to better, and what we have now is the best possible situation. Our only responsibility is to support and defend the status quo with our lives.  

The word Abracadabra derives from an ancient Aramaic phrase meaning “I create as I speak.” Science now shows us that words and sound affect the 90% of our DNA that was previously referred to as “junk DNA.” So living and speaking of the world as perilous and poor makes it so. Nearly everything on the daily news speaks of a world of scarcity, fear, and violence. There simply is not enough money and education available for everyone to learn the game. Yet we produce enough resources, energy and food to take care of multiple earth populations. We have built a world centered on a fictitious concept we call the economy. What happens when this illusion ends? Our descendants will be left with whatever the dollar and debt decide. Should we put all of our faith in the magic arm of the market or the magic of our own true words, actions, and feelings?

Governance and the Laws of Life

Governance and the Laws of Life

Recently I heard a Hungarian man on the radio explain how the decision to help suffering refugees was unanimous amongst his family, even though a new law imposed up to three years in jail for the “offense” of helping immigrants – also known as humans.  The man explained that the “laws of life” always reign. The next day I was asked by my youngest son how it was that people become poor. It would have been easy to simply explain that people reach states of desperation because they are lazy or somehow not living properly. Certainly this is what we are supposed to believe – everything is awesome. Our world is in good order, and those who are not fairing well are the problem – not a symptom of a greater dilemma.

What are the laws of life? They are things that are accepted by all people without explanation or exception; understandings and inclinations that are inborn and do not require a lifetime of education to learn – or unlearn. To unravel the innate laws of life takes well over a decade of separation of a human from their family, put into rows of learning, and utterly convinced daily of the “order” of things and the legitimacy of their masters. In many countries this happens by growing up in a soul stripping war torn dictatorship. Unfortunately, this so called order fragments families, benefits very few, and has decimated the earth. Most are convinced to disregard the laws of life as unattainable ideals, while incessantly memorizing, repeating, and enforcing the words and tenants of our failed system.

No one is born poor. Even my seven year son knows this – he didn’t ask why some are born poor, but rather how do they become so. At a young age we recognize the separation and stratification we are to accept, whilst proclaiming equality and freedom for all. How does this contradiction become law and bond in our minds? Thankfully, the laws of life keep this selfish and skewed logic from completely penetrating our hearts. We have charities, organizations, and government protections to convince us that the laws of life are being upheld. Most of us never take direct responsibility.  Most are forced by necessity to put all their focus and energy into building up the very order that has caused the chaos. Luckily, lies always have a limited shelf life and are invariably exposed and come to an end. The laws of life have no statute of limitation.

When does helping a fellow human become an offense? Is this legitimate governance? How do politicians like Trump and others currently gain legitimacy and popularity on a platform disturbingly similar to the rhetoric of the Nazi party. Hitler started with just 17 youths who he convinced to promote his agenda. Although Trump has a concerning amount of support, imagine what influence a handful of people could instigate by spreading a message of humanity. Considering all of the genocide of the last 60 years, the Holocaust never ended, but has spread to a worldwide scale and is now legitimized. What is our role in supporting the current course while the ill gotten fruits are endlessly flaunted?  Today we talk of them and us, left and right etc. Tomorrow the laws of life will guide us to our center.

The Laws of Life



La La Land and the Power of Peace

La La Land and the Power of Peace

Many folks ask if our self sustainable dome project is to prepare for coming doom and gloom. There is a growing fear of what many call a societal breakdown which necessitates armed protection. Online and all around social media there is evidence of a growing interest in owning and learning to use firearms. Many call this a necessary evil, and proclaim we should get armed, be realistic – and quit living in La La Land. We believe the term ‘necessary evil’ is a pervasive oxymoron that in due time will no longer be an acceptable excuse for perpetuating violence. In the spirit of sustainability we choose peace as our protection rather than arms.  Here is why.


Everyone remembers learning of the forming of the Union from the original 13 colonies. We memorized the names of generals and dates of the bloody clashes with the natives. Most believe that there was no way to live in peace on the same land. We rarely hear about the peace in Pennsylvania where the non violent Quakers had no incidents of murder or rape living amongst the natives. It was not until the Union formed and the military established itself in Pennsylvania that killings began. Some Quakers then died – but only three that had joined the newly established army.

Similar to the Middle East story… the “powers that be” made sure their financial interests were protected through puppet politicians and armed proxy governments and guerrillas in the last half of the twentieth century. Thus Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras all had civil wars followed by decades of violence and social unrest. This subsequently led to generations of lost boys who now form the deadliest gangs in these countries where more than a dozen murders occur daily in the cities. On August 16-18, 2015 there were 125 murders in just 3 days in El Salvador.  This has led to an estimated 66,000 kids fleeing for their life in the last 2 years.

Neighboring Costa Rica also had a civil war, but then officially abolished its military in 1948. What followed was peace ever since and the emergence of a safe haven in Central America. This goodwill seems to have grown as Costa Rica recently decided to close public zoos in the spirit of honoring an animal’s right to freedom. They have adopted a no cage policy for animals in a time where humans are being caged at unprecedented rates around the world – ironically mostly in America – the land of the free.

On the road to Indian independence many of Gandhi’s followers were met with armed forces bent on stopping their quest. When peace was persistent the armed forces were stopped in shame – some even fled scared. Martin Luther King and many others showed similar success. For a time John Lennon was considered an enemy of the United States. Peace proclaimers are considered dangerous and are commonly killed by bullets – but they are hardly silenced. This is why our project has nothing to do with acting from fear. Rather, we are preparing for a future that is sustainable. Building and living in humane communities in peace is the only sustainable path. We choose to live in La La land. Light easily illuminates and cuts through darkness, yet no amount of darkness can ever dim the light.


La La Land and Peace


The Smart Dome Home

The Smart Dome Home

With the rapid changes in technological advancements, we are seeing disruptive changes in many industries. The new way of providing solutions and services is in flux for nearly every area of production and social interaction. With the driverless car, graphene, and nano technology on the horizon – it seems many more areas of life are about to change. We are paddling to the waves with the innovation of the portable self sustainable dome home – which is now forming it’s final features. We are taking full advantage of the advancements in computing, cameras, solar, sensors, and widespread internet connections to create a smart dome home.

Our plan is to disrupt the current notion of housing and communities by abandoning perspectives that make our current system seem reasonable. We see it as being a similar situation as the introduction of the telegraph, airplane, automobile or the birth of the internet. At a social level it could be seen as the advent of the idea of equal rights for all people. There was a time when this seemed absurd, but now commonly accepted as a moral standard. We hope to witness an expansion of this standard by showing the changes in lifestyle and relationships as people are no longer forced to give their life energy and focus to the basic needs of life. Energy will shift to true engagement with ones family and community instead of being used to further entrench a system that is destroying earth’s natural systems and robbing our children’s future.

Before many innovations became widespread, they were viewed as novelties that could never take hold and really change the world. We feel the same is about to happen today in the very near future. It will not just be housing that gets new discernment, but perhaps all features of life that surround home and family. Emerging ideas spread instantly now, which brings the real possibility of quick and meaningful change. Education is forming many new branches that are very different than past methods of memorizing and regurgitating information. Great possibilities abound when design thinking is coupled with the new tools and technologies of our time. The technology and environment are fertile for a new breed of humans who truly realize their freedom and abilities to control the future.

Our dome design is being developed at the Fremont MakerSpace in Northern California. Here we are refining the magnetic triangle dome panels to incorporate functionality that will allow for real time monitoring and control of light, sound, water, moisture, ventilation, camera views, and automated aquaponic gardens. We are preparing beta projects that will launch this year. We believe that as folks witness the possibilities, many more will join in this real life manifestation of change.

We no longer use bloodletting as a medical procedure or carriages for transportation. In words we no longer accept slavery and usury. We believe our actions will soon coincide with our intuition and instinct. The grid system that pits humans in competition with each other will eventually be discredited. Truth always wins. We are preparing for that day with a smart dome home and community solution that will fit nicely into the future we foresee.




Reconciling Reality  – Kids, Crazies, Hippies, and Hobos

Reconciling Reality – Kids, Crazies, Hippies, and Hobos

What is the real world? Those that don’t understand how to navigate through it are very vulnerable, which is why most people ultimately conform to fit into the framework of society. It was recently discovered that humans have been making fire for about 400,000 years. So civilization is really quite new and hardly the whole of human history. We are in a state of metamorphosis with the rapid rise and unprecedented power to communicate and share ideas. We believe that an incredible opportunity has arisen that will allow us to rewrite our own definition of what constitutes civilization. Food, water, shelter, security, and the innate need to be together are at the root of what creates community.  When we handle these needs in a more reasonable and responsible way, the form and function of civilization will start to transform as well. How can this happen if those with dissenting ideas are the yet un-molded young and those considered too stubborn or stupid to be of any real use in today’s economic end all, number-centric paradigm?

We have always and will always be at war. History repeats itself right? It’s a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest, individual empowerment, you deserve it all and will get it if you work hard and don’t give up. Those that don’t understand or accept this reality are children, radical, crazy, or lazy. They have no worth to civilization and fall into the category of idiots. Indeed this word comes from the Greek word diōtēs – meaning one who did not understand their role as part of community, “a person lacking professional skill”, “a private citizen”…  self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private—as opposed to public—affairs. Wikipedia

The United Nations just announced that the number of refugees worldwide indicates a world in an unprecedented state of chaos. This seems to point to a world unaware or not concerned with the global community. This seems to be the height of idiotic. Borders and budgets mean much more than health and happiness. Private property rights stump everything else – even human life and liberty. With proposed laws to ban protests popping up across the U.S.A, now even constitutional rights are outlawed to protect private property. Instead of addressing the obvious unrest, pass a law to sweep it under the rug. This affront to freedom is easily imposed with citizens “educated” from birth to count, categorize, define, and assign a number and value to everything except one’s own sacred birth rights.

Most respectable folk believe they are part of world progress and are contributing to their community with their daily work. At a close glance this seems so. But If one stands back and observes the whole world situation it becomes apparent that the result of private concerns has raped the earth, clouded the concerns of community, and openly detests humane perspectives emerging from a discerning and maturing civilization. If you are either unable or unwilling to live within the currently prescribed path, then you are a child, crazy, a hippie, or a hobo. Our mission is to blaze a new trail and reconcile reality for those willing to travel a new direction. If you fall into this category, then our developments in disrupting housing with an affordable, portable, solar, self sustainable geo dome home may interest you.

We just partnered up with the Fremont MakerSpace in Fremont, CA as a home base for the final development of our project. Check it out at
