What is the real world? Those that don’t understand how to navigate through it are very vulnerable, which is why most people ultimately conform to fit into the framework of society. It was recently discovered that humans have been making fire for about 400,000 years. So civilization is really quite new and hardly the whole of human history. We are in a state of metamorphosis with the rapid rise and unprecedented power to communicate and share ideas. We believe that an incredible opportunity has arisen that will allow us to rewrite our own definition of what constitutes civilization. Food, water, shelter, security, and the innate need to be together are at the root of what creates community.  When we handle these needs in a more reasonable and responsible way, the form and function of civilization will start to transform as well. How can this happen if those with dissenting ideas are the yet un-molded young and those considered too stubborn or stupid to be of any real use in today’s economic end all, number-centric paradigm?

We have always and will always be at war. History repeats itself right? It’s a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest, individual empowerment, you deserve it all and will get it if you work hard and don’t give up. Those that don’t understand or accept this reality are children, radical, crazy, or lazy. They have no worth to civilization and fall into the category of idiots. Indeed this word comes from the Greek word diōtēs – meaning one who did not understand their role as part of community, “a person lacking professional skill”, “a private citizen”…  self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private—as opposed to public—affairs. Wikipedia

The United Nations just announced that the number of refugees worldwide indicates a world in an unprecedented state of chaos. This seems to point to a world unaware or not concerned with the global community. This seems to be the height of idiotic. Borders and budgets mean much more than health and happiness. Private property rights stump everything else – even human life and liberty. With proposed laws to ban protests popping up across the U.S.A, now even constitutional rights are outlawed to protect private property. Instead of addressing the obvious unrest, pass a law to sweep it under the rug. This affront to freedom is easily imposed with citizens “educated” from birth to count, categorize, define, and assign a number and value to everything except one’s own sacred birth rights.

Most respectable folk believe they are part of world progress and are contributing to their community with their daily work. At a close glance this seems so. But If one stands back and observes the whole world situation it becomes apparent that the result of private concerns has raped the earth, clouded the concerns of community, and openly detests humane perspectives emerging from a discerning and maturing civilization. If you are either unable or unwilling to live within the currently prescribed path, then you are a child, crazy, a hippie, or a hobo. Our mission is to blaze a new trail and reconcile reality for those willing to travel a new direction. If you fall into this category, then our developments in disrupting housing with an affordable, portable, solar, self sustainable geo dome home may interest you.

We just partnered up with the Fremont MakerSpace in Fremont, CA as a home base for the final development of our project. Check it out at fremontmakerspace.com
