Once upon a time the password to all my computer accounts was “freedom”. This was a long time ago, before I knew better then to use such a simple password. It meant learning, living, and loving – and not getting tied down and trapped in a meaningless job like all the adults around. As I approached 30 I re-defined this notion based on “reality”. Everyone certainly could not be wrong about what being a responsible and valuable member of society meant. I’d never be “successful” or have my own family if I kept being a “dreamer”. So, I began pursuing my own business ventures to make the almighty dollar.
I began spending nearly all my waking hours in hot pursuit of more money. This is what I did and did and did … and so on for about 7 years. Life passed me by, my oldest son grew up seemingly unnoticed. I had everything I needed, but certainly did not feel rich. It seemed I had nothing of real value to pass on to my kids even though I had money, This was not good. It seemed I was anchored to assets – whose future value seemed speculative at best. I was a far cry from the freedom I initially set out to find. Yet, everyone around me told me I was on the right track.
It occurred to me that all along there was an operating system at work that had been programmed into my brain from birth. It had nothing to do with my true nature, my real inate knowledge, nor any sort of coherence or connection to the natural world. It separated happiness from the hearts reality. It took 7 years living in the coastal redwoods of Santa Cruz, California next to a river, to even begin to unravel the neural web of premises and fear programmed into my subconscious brain. It took another 7 years of abandonment of the script to clean out my cache and begin to understand a different reality.
For those non egghead types: A cache is the temporary memory in a computer that is akin to our short term memory. It seems memorization is a fixation on equating intelligence with the ability to retain “facts”. Our meritocracy is based on this, and made real by the economy god. The foundation of our “civilization” depends on this program. Interestingly, a computer will eventually crash if you don’t clear the cache. Perhaps this is why we have so many anti-anxiety and depression drugs being prescribed, and so many people snapping and committing atrocious crimes. What more evidence do we need that we are on the wrong path? Read the daily world headlines for a month and you’ll see what trajectory we are on.
This is the short version of what brought about the birth of the Future of the Free project. The point is that we believe it is time to abandon the square world we have created and get off the grid and off the current script. We believe that a completely new way of seeing the world and each other is crucially needed at this time.
The institutions that have molded our beliefs and thus our world, are being revealed as not just economic failures, but more importantly, detrimental to our home – Earth. Our greatest asset and wealth is not a number on a computer screen governed by a very tiny group with questionable motives and horrific historical tack records.
We cannot leave our children and future to the care of this system. We do not intend any sort of conflict or revolution, for this is the way of the current consciousness that we are leaving. Our true power is in our collective cooperation based on love and true intention, unhindered by the fading system of scarcity, competition, and fear. Buckminster Fuller said it best:
“You never change things by fighting the
existing reality.
To change something, build a
new model that makes
the existing model
R. Buckminster Fuller