by futureofthefree | Jul 26, 2014 | Education, Freedom, Geodesic Domes, Sustainability, The Future
It is the 4th of July as this is written. Liberty flows the flags flying everywhere. The belief in freedom is America’s greatest strength. We are proud to live in a country that is a beacon of light, leading the world into a new era of human rights for all. If only this were true. If only all the recent history, politics, prisons, wars, resource privatization, bank bailouts, and continuous scandals weren’t true. If only what we were taught in school was meant to benefit us all – instead of giving credibility to a small group of controllers. If only humans were born into a world where they had an unequivocal right to land, food, and water. These are truly the basis of life, liberty, and freedom. Instead, our birthright is lent to us, with interest. This may seem blasphemous to some – but the numbers don’t lie.
These numbers are everywhere and affect everyone on earth everyday. See the numbers on your bills every month. The bare necessities that are truly human birthrights are being sold to us at ever growing prices, for the vain profit of the few. We accept this because we are taught that the economy is as natural as the weather and capitalism is synonymous with democracy and freedom. Without it we would live in a worse world then we have today – which is only conceivable if a meteor hits. They say we need banks, global corporations, and puppet leaders for order and “security”.
The numbers that govern us are presented on the screens of Wall Street that collapse regularly, but always gain huge profits for the same groups – especially if there is war. All the numbers point towards the same trajectory. We are not free – we are in an escalating state of debt, and our children will be even more so. But at least we are not starving or enslaved like so many humans on earth. So surely we must have the best system – right? Perhaps if we believe our only real choices are bad and horrific.
A recent New York Times article, “Income Inequality Is Not Rising Globally. It’s Falling.” argues everything is getting better. This comes from a “consultant of the World Bank” and a “senior scholar of a Luxembourg Income Study Center.” These are the smart folks – so surely anyone who doesn’t agree is ignoring the facts, is a radical, uneducated, or ignorant. This article argues one must look at the global picture to see how the economic numbers show success via a growing middle class (new slaves) especially in China (who needs clean air). Perhaps this has a small semblance of truth if you take human calamity and earth’s critically injured ecosystem out of the equation. This “reasoning” is how the lies persist. Maybe some numbers do lie under coercion.
Numbers can transcend rhetoric and tell us what is really happening. It is estimated to cost $30 billion to end world hunger, while the U.S. alone spends $737 billion on defense per year. Who are we really defending? A human dies every 4 seconds of hunger. Fifty million is the number of displaced persons worldwide in 2013 according to a recent U.N. report. That’s the highest number of dislocated people since World War II. Half of the refugees are children. How about the 57,000 kids at the U.S. border? More than a third of the bees are dead . Fourteen thousand people die of water pollution per day. Dead zones will make fish extinct in a few decades. These are the numbers that affect the real world?
These are the troublesome numbers that the world leaders would have you believe are caused by lack of money, education, or the wrong religion. They claim to help the world by privatizing all the land and resources, then lending money so we can borrow our birthright back. They claim that the masses are too ignorant to govern themselves. Consider this recent headline: “Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling, Congressional Panel Says.” This latest congressional “discussion” reads like a Monsanto play script. Years of “education” ensure we are well trained to sit down, shut up, and listen to our overseers – otherwise they could never get away with these lies.
What we truly have is a system of greedy players in a demented world monopoly game. The senators, ministers, directors, officers, czars, senior scholars – are all funded by the power profit monster. Simply follow the funding trail of organizations, foundations, and “educational” institutions that all support our destructive system. It seems our programmed perspective is used to blind us to the ever growing atrocities against humans and our home – Earth. We quarrel over a political puppet show while our birthright is held as ransom. As you check your mail for the latest debt account statement – ask yourself: Who are we borrowing from? Do they have a right to sell human birthrights? Is this the legacy we want to pass on to our children? To become more than a SSI number we must reject being allocated as consumers and become responsible citizens of Earth.
It seems our current world is sort of like the movie Blackfish. Instead of being born free into an open ocean where we can live with our family groups of four generations – we are forced to do tricks for fish so we can live in a controlled boxed environment. Our offspring are born in the same pool with the same fate while the corporate owners make billions. What is presented as a wonderful show is actually enslaving powerful spiritual creatures. Most endure it, some go psychotic, most have bent dorsal fins. The whales smile, the crowd applauses, and the trainers takes a bow.
Why don’t we just walk away? Why do we refer to those responsible as “they” instead of “we”? Who are “they” – and most importantly – who are we?
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Apr 24, 2014 | Dome Homes, Education, Freedom, Geodesic Domes, The Future, Uncategorized
Everyone loves the expression, “Cut out the middle man. ” It means having enough insight to get the most beneficial outcome. The internet has brought this sentiment to new levels. The instant abundance of information, reviews, and how-to sharing have made our world very different in just a few short years. What does this mean for our future? Does it simply mean online group deals, cool video games, and sharing photos. Is it becoming something bigger that could be game changer?
We set out to use the power of the internet to find the best tools to demonstrate a different kind of freedom- one that is not intimately tied to the fickle economic system. Many human atrocities continue everyday due to the staunch belief that we have the best system in history. This view is accepted by nearly everyone through long held institutions that mold our perspective and control many aspects of our lives. As social creatures that inately depend on one another – it is no wonder that we hold to the current model as immovable and indisputable. We call it the real world.
What we have now is nature and survival of the fittest at work – and it has always been like this. We are at the height of progress. Forget about the many humans, animals and ecosystems struggling for survival. Everything is awesome. The market is up and economies are growing. This is the middle man’s spiel that keeps the wheels turning. Ultimately our families and communities are separated, cubified, and thus easily controlled.
We aim to break out of the box and go round instead. This means flipping our approach and working together like we know we should. We are starting by working with community gardens and by building a completely self sustaining dome home this year. It will feature solar power, water capture, heat capture, aquaponic food domes and more. By pulling our resources together, as a group of family and friends unified – we will accomplish in one year what is supposed to take thirty years. There are no bank lords in our alternate future. In the coming months we will be documenting how it all comes together. Please stay tuned!
So who is this boogie man we call the middle man? It is what gets in the middle of what we feel instinctually in our gut, heart, and soul. This is the same beacon that shows the bees how to make a honeycomb or navigates the flocks to precise points. What gets in the middle is certainly different for each of us. Much of our current “reality” has trained us to mute what we know for what we have been taught to believe. Some write stories, or paint, or compose as ways to create rifts in our ethos. We decided to build new ways with our hands and demonstrate a different way. We feel the unifying effects of the internet should be leveraged to our highest possibilities. is our particular lab and we invite you to visit regularly.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Mar 29, 2014 | Agriculture, Aquaponics, Community Supported Agriculture, Education, Gardening, Geodesic Domes
We are very happy to have connected with local folks that have the same vision and are willing to do the hard work it takes to make meaningful change. We are working with three non-profit’s to build domes for their community gardens in San Jose, San Martin and Redding in Northern California. These aquaponic bio-domes will provide food and an exciting learning environment.

Thanks to:
Garden to Table: Renovated idle urban spaces into eight neighborhood gardens, Donated over 30,000 pounds of fruit to Central San Jose food pantries by harvesting neglected fruit trees, Started a 1 acre farm and have taught dozens of classes on gardening and nutrition to hundreds of San Jose residents.
Team Tierra: Builder of re-purposed wood creation and community farms serving families & restuarants in San Jose and San Martin, CA. They’ll be helping us make and builk the domes too!
Garden of Hope: A wonderful project of Providence International that serves ar risk people by providing employment training, mentoring, and Hope for unemployed individuals.
A Learning Dome Living School is a sustainable aquaponic garden, in a geodesic dome, built on the most abundant materials and sustainable technologies.
Build in your school, neighborhood, or backyard!
- Nature’s geometry & structure
- Sustainable closed looped systems
- Gardening, Aquaponics, & Aquaculture
- Community, Cooperation, & Creativity
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Mar 26, 2014 | Agriculture, Aquaponics, Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Education, Freedom, Gardening, Geodesic Domes, Sustainability, The Future
What if you could provide food, shelter, and security for your family without enslaving yourself to a lifetime of debt and stress? We believe it is not only possibel, but very easy, cheap, and fun all in one.

Future of the Free is a new venture from the Santa Cruz Mountains of Silicon Valley building community bio-dome’s using aquaponics and nature’s design to create an alternate future. This project introduces a bio-dome kit that anyone can build with parts that are recycled, free, or very common and low cost. The goal was to create an alternate path to provide the necessities that many on earth seem struggling to secure.
We like to call this an open source project for humans since the goal is to create the most with the least – for the benefit of all. We used barrels, containers, and parts found everywhere for free or cheap. We used 3-D Printing technology to design, teach, and test construction. We hope to raise enough funds with our campaign so we can produce the kits quickly with a ShopBot next time.
We love to inspire the imagination towards the possibilities and power of working in harmony with nature and each other. Our focus is to accomplish our goals through community movements that demonstrate real live examples of how cooperating with nature and each other reap rewards never to be seen in the current system of competition and profit above all else. We are already working with non-profit farms to build the first community domes in Northern California. You’ll see dome raisings from Garden to Table of San Jose, Team Tierra in San Martin, and Garden of Hope in Redding.
Organic Food & Home independence is not only possible – but is now necessary considering recent droughts and revelations regarding GMO’s, pesticide use, and bees dying in mass. Aquaponic systems yields more produce using only 10% of the water as commercial growing. Super strong weather resistant solar powered domes provide the easiest to build and strongest structure known to man using only a third of the materials – per the American Institute of Architecture.
The idea started when planning the first year of home-schooling for our young sons, ages 5 and 7. The boys had lots of questions about how our world works. We had to explain money, energy, war, poverty, jobs, taxes and so on – in a way that made sense and wouldn’t be scary to them. Answers to seemingly basic questions always required a string of explanations that showed that every aspect of our lives and relationships are governed by money – but has little to do with human needs – or logic.
We asked the most basic questions to get the simplest solutions. We decided it all starts with depending on our local communities that have our same interests at heart – instead of organizations that represent the blind corporate pursuit of profits.
For the last seven years our group has focused on projects that create better alternatives for our future. We’ve developed several sustainable products like the hemp surfboard, art canvas, jeans and more through U.S. Hemp Co and Museum. We’ve spent lots of time promoting change at events and online. We’ve shifted our focus further down the road now with the successful shift of public perception towards acceptance and legalization of Industrial Cannabis (Hemp) and Medical Marijuana.
This year we’ve joined our commitment to a better future with our love of innovation and technology to create our latest and greatest development – Future of the Free. Please join us.
by Aaron Rene Carvajal | Nov 12, 2013 | Agriculture, Aquaponics, Design & Innovation, Dome Homes, Geodesic Domes, Sustainability
We love the idea of a super strong, fast, portable and affordable structure that can be a home or a food pod. There are many incredible geodesic bio dome projects online. We absorbed as much as we could and then decided it would be great if there were a kit that could easily be created and built by anyone anywhere with parts that are free, cheap, and available everywhere.
There are some really nice geo-domes and aquaponic kits online, but most are pretty expensive. Most use custom parts that would be pricey to replace. The homemade ones are awesome, but generally are not available in an easy to build kit. You have to go out and source all the parts, measure,cut, drill etc. Not everyone is a do-it-yourselfer builder type. So, we decided something should be available for the rest of us.
Here it is. Check it out.